The Social Board of the Universitat Jaume I gave the 12th Award for student enterprising Initiatives, of 6,000 euros and a diploma, to  Kilian Zaragoza Mora and Andrea Lorenzo Chiva, who graduated in Industrial Design and Product Engineering by the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), and to José Vicente Villarroig Claramonte, who is studying the same degree, for creating Foodration4all,  a company that involves a high level of innovation in the inclusion and social help area of the services sector.

This firm was created after participating and being one of the winning projects of the first UJI Emprèn OnSocial edition. It was awarded a 10,000€ subsidy to build a business project to digitally transform the current food donation system by converting it into a computerised, controlled and transparent system with which to analyse and control all variables to achieve common, material, physical and emotional welfare by always preserving the security and personal identity of all donors and beneficiaries.

Apart from the student enterprising award, the Social Board of Directors gave research and teaching excellence awards. In the research category, the award of 6,000 euros and a diploma went to César Ávila Rivera, a teacher in the Department of Basic and Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology who heads the «Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging» research group.

The following awards of the 11th University Teaching Excellence Awards edition, with 2,000 euros and a diploma, were received by: M.ª Auxiliadora Sales Ciges, a tenured university lecturer in the Department of Education in the Didactics and School Organisation Area of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; María José Ortí Tarí, a tenured university lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the School of Technology and Experimental Sciences; Rafael Ballester Arnal, dean and university professor in the Department of Basic and Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Montserrat Boronat Navarro, a contracted teacher and doctor in the Department of Business Administration and Marketing of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences.