
The Universitat Jaume I promotes knowledge transfer by means of the UJI.>LAB Impuls programme

The Cooperation Office for Technological Research and Development (OCIT) of the…


Espaitec organiza la «II Jornada de Impulso a la Creación de Spin-Off UJI»

El 6 de octubre se celebrará en formato online, de 9.00 a 12.00 horas, la «II…


Espaitec holds the 1 Event to Boost Creating UJI Spin-Off

On Wednesday 30 September, the “1 Event to Boost Creating UJI Spin-Off” was…


Espaitec is organising the 1 UJI Event to Boost Creating Spin-Off

On 30 September, the online “I UJI Event to Boost Creating Spin-Offs” will take…

Bootcamp UJI

8 business ideas participate in Bootcamp Launchpad Start UJI 2017

This week we held the first Bootcamp Launchpad Start UJI 2017 at espaitec. This…