As from 23 March, no face-to-face attention shall be provided in the installations of Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I. All procedures shall be done by telephone or email.

Given today’s exceptional circumstances due to the coronavirus crisis, and for responsibility, trust and solidarity reasons, following the recommendations of the Health Authorities, and coordinated with the different competent organisations that make our work possible, Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I has made the decision that, while the COVID-19 crisis lasts, and to continue with its professional activity, the Park’s staff shall do their work, but shall not provide face-to-face attention in its installations.

We inform you that we will continue to answer and deal with your inquiries by telephone and email:

We shall continue to inform you about novel aspects on our website:

We also remind you that you can learn all the latest news about the measures taken by the Universitat Jaume I as regards the COVID-19 crisis at:

We apologise for any inconvenience that this exceptional situation may cause.


Espaitec, via the Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer the Universitat Jaume I, has placed at the disposal of the Health Authorities of the Generalitat Valenciana all its FabLab equipment from the UJI.>LAB project (3D printing equipment, laser cutters, milling machines) to manufacture parts for face screens and  masks, and to automate manual breathing systems.

Espaitec is also collaborating with the university association Hackerspace in an innovative initiative led by the CoronaMaker community nationwide, which pursues the same objective by using Open-Source designs for health equipment.