After an intensive weekend, the first edition of “Global Game Jam Castellón” closed its doors with a very good feeling. The DevelUp Organsing Team is already thinking about the second 2015 edition as all those responsible for this Castellón event and participants were astonished at the collaborative capacity used to create six video game prototypes of such good quality in just 48 hours.

Over the weekend from 24 to 26 January, 34 participants lived in harmony for 48 hours non-stop to develop six video games. On Friday afternoon, the secret theme was unveiled upon which the video games were to be developed during the 2014 edition, this being:“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are”. And so it was that this intensive weekend began in the espaitec 2 building in the Science, Technology and Business Park (espaitec) of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI).

These intensive 48 hours in Castellón resulted in the creation of six video games: “Ekate”, “My Path”, “Through the Looking-Glass", “Eterno Retorno 7”, “The Dungeon, The Loot, The Cat” and Save de Ants”. These games can be downloaded free of charge from the Global Game Jam web site at:

Participants discovered what they were really capable of doing, and impressed not only themselves, but also the Organising Team. “We have really been able to form a professional video game studio this weekend”, one of the participants said during its final presentation, who referred to being able to create the conceptual design, programming, modellings, music and all the elements of a video game in just 2 days.

However, the most outstanding aspects were the enormous team work effort and the great atmosphere enjoyed this weekend, where not only have the participants worked in groups, but also the six formed groups collaborated together. Many of those attending only slept 2 or 3 hours over the whole weekend; even so, they were active and felt motivated to see what they are capable of doing when working in teams.

Here is the presentation of the six video games developed this weekend during GGJ Castellón:
Ekate”: We put ourselves in the place of Hecate, a Greek goddess with three different faces, who was able to change them and alter the perception of her surroundings. In this way, we must combine her three different skills to overcome all the obstacles faced. This game is implemented with an “oculus rift” virtual reality display to provide unequalled immersed game experience.

My Path: We find ourselves in a psychiatric hospital, but we can’t remember a thing. From this point onwards, we see several records of patients with various disorders (bipolar, schizophrenia obsessive compulsive, etc.). Given our empathy, we believe that we are these patients with these disorders, which changes the way we see and listen to the map.

Through the Looking-Glass": A series of complex labyrinths with mirror-directed lights, where at first we cannot see a thing. But thanks to combining our torch light with the mirrors, we can find a way out of these complicated labyrinths. This game is also played with Oculus Rift which allows us to see the scene with our head and to move our torch with our hand completely independently.

Eterno Retorno 7”: This is a fighting game for four players in which each player has to do away with the others. However there is the added difference that each player perceives the map distinctly from the remaining players.

The Dungeon, The Loot, The Cat”: Here we become a very strong barbarian, a magician with powers of perception, and an extremely fast cat, which are able to perform various skills to overcome the game obstacles. The game includes several puzzles that require the skills of the three characters to conclude them.

Save de Ants”: On a completely dark map, you must help ants find their way by providing them light. You believe this is good for them, but from the ants’ perspective, which can see their way, lights are a threat and they can sometimes be burnt if the light available comes in large quantities. So the purpose of the game is to mark the ants’ way so they do not cross it in absolute darkness, but using the smallest number of lights because lights will take points from you because they are not good for ants.