We have created a unique environment in the province of Castellón which intends to host, support, promote and help innovative TBCs grow, and also facilitates transferring the technology generated at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón. For this purpose, espaitec has developed the Long Way Companion methodology, which focuses on accompanying companies in their various life cycle stages, and on supporting a series of services and flexible dynamic installations, which adapt to every instant and requirement. Do you want to know them?
We wish to make your day-to-day easier at espaitec, which is why we offer you a series of general services that will improve your productivity at work. The espaitec general services offer advantages and provisions, which are available only for Park users.
Entrepreneurship, growing as a company or diversifying a business area once successful is no easy task. To make this task easier, we offer a series of specialised and personalised services according to the degree your company has grown and the sector it operates in.

24-hour access
24/7 security
Cafeteria and Dining Hall
Meetings room
Video conference room
Air-conditioned rooms
Wi-Fi / ADSL and optical fibre
Possibility of having legal and tax addresses
Post and message collection points
Easy access to UJI services and infrastructures
Multilingual staff
Free car park
UJI crèche service
Access to UJI sports facilities and swimming pool
Periodical follow-up meetings
Connection to an overall innovation system

What is e’living Lab? An experimental innovation area on UJI’s Riu Sec Campus where new products and/or services are developed by incorporating the user into co-designing, co-creating, co-constructing and co-testing processes (“user-driven philosophy) and where SMEs can design, prototype and develop their products and services with the support of university community and citizens under Quadruple Helix configuration
How does it work? There are two scenarios. Interested companies can use espaitec’s Living Lab as a place to test its designs and prototypes by receiving feedback from users. Espaitec identifies opportunities and seeks partners among associated companies.
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- + Info on +0034 964 387 390 or by email

What is e’capital? A service that supports and accompanies you when seeking finance.
How does it work? We identify finance for your business project through the main public and private agents to finance innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives, and we help you to make your projects more appealing to investors.
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- + Info on +0034 964 387 390 or by email

What is e’innoBridge? An internationalisation service for technology transfer and innovation.
How does it work? We identify international science parks and sign collaboration agreements to provide espaitec-linked companies similar conditions to their own. In this way, those companies interested in an international market can use Science Park friends as landing mechanisms for both installations and services offered.
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What is e’innoWatch? An active technological monitoring service that reinforces our companies’ competitive intelligence and their capacity to respond to competition.
How does it work? We define the skills, competences and interests of companies using a detailed TAGs system, and with smart search tools we prepare reports that include the main trends and forecasts. To do this, we work as a network with national and international innovation agents.
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What is e’strategy? A service to support companies during their strategy redefinition process.
How does it work? Those in charge of the company and members of the espaitec management work together to analyse the company’s internal/external situation. Then an new business strategy is proposed and an action plan is defined to enable the strategic changes that will benefit the company to be implemented.
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What is e’vents? A service to make companies more visible by helping them in scientific-technological diffusion actions.
How does it work? We provide companies with counselling for their communication and we make all their projects visible by supporting them when organising scientific events, commercial presentations, conferences, technology transfer encounters, and any social event. This we do by working with companies in all its stages of communication action, from an idea being conceived to subsequently diffusing it.
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What is e’xfer? An active technology transfer service that takes science and research closer to specific market requirements.
How does it work? This service is two-fold because it can act as Science to Business (S2B) or Business to Science (B2S). With S2B, we support the spin-off generated at the Universitat Jaume I so that any developed innovation reaches the market. With B2S, we approach the business fabric to the innovation generated on the UJI Campus by research groups, students and espaitec-linked companies.
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- + Info on +0034 964 387 390 or by email

What is e’job? We spot talent and connect it with companies that seek specialised profiles.
How does it work? The company provides a detailed description of the post to be occupied and espaitec identifies the profiles available in its database. If a very specific profile is sought, espaitec relies on the support of national and international networks. The e’job service only spots talent and establishes contacts, while the company is responsible for the selection process.
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- + Info on +0034 964 387 390 or by email