After they were briefly welcomed in the Castellón City Hall, the delegation then went to the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (espaitec) where it was offered a presentation of the Park and its role in the regional innovation ecosystem, and was told about the importance of networking to achieve a greater territorial impact. Special interest was paid to the Valencian Scientific Parks Network (rePCV) and to the Spanish Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE).
Next Ismael Rodrigo, General Director of the Cooperation Office for Technological Research and Development of the Universitat Jaume I (OCIT), explained how the OCIT works and its role in technology transfer from an academic domain to a business one. Ismael highlighted the work carried out by the Network of Research Results Transfer Offices of Spanish Universities (RedOTRI).
This event in Castellón finished with a visit to the installations of the Ceramic Industries Research Association (AICE) and the Ceramics Technology Institute (ITC).