The Science, Technology and Business Park of the UJI (espaitec), in collaboration with the Spanish Standards and Certification Association (AENOR), is organising the conference entitled, “new innovative company and innovate SME certificates: what am I interested in achieving and what benefits are there for me?” on Tuesday 14 July at 12:00h. This event aims to inform about the various innovative certificates available for new companies and SMEs.

The New Innovative Company (NIC) or Innovative SME (ISME) certificates allow organisations to show their innovation capacity by correctly evaluating not only the resources they apply to the innovation process, but also the results obtained. Both certificates are acknowledged by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Achieving them implies a guarantee in the innovation process, plus bonuses to contract research personnel and tax deductions in R&D&I expenditure.

The NIC certificate indicates that the company must define its innovation strategy and identify the main actions to be taken in R&D&I matters. The ISME certificate is a very useful tool for companies to evaluate their innovative potential by considering aspects like the resources applied to the innovation process, and the results and evaluation of innovation.

In this conference, Salvador Ibáñez, Director of AENOR in the Valencian Community, and Gerardo Malvido, Head of R&D&I at AENOR, will participate and inform about the general requirements to obtain both certificates. This event will take place in the Multipurpose Room of the espaitec 2 building on Thursday 14 July at 12:00h.

It is necessary to register here to attend

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