Nayar Systems, a company linked with Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I, has run a campaign to protect installations and reduce contagions by means of Nearkey, its access control system with smartphones.

Nowadays, buttons and button panels in lifts have become surfaces potentially contaminated as a result of Covid-19 and sources of possible contagions. The company Nayar Systems, which is well aware of such problems, has once again employed its technological knowledge to offer safe solutions to this new reality we are witnessing.

Nearkey, the access control device applied mainly to open electric doors and to activate buttons and button panels, allows users to avoid coming into physical contact with buttons in booths or corridors, but to use a lift with a smartphone. Thus Nayar Systems uses its Nearkey system to protect installations and to reduce making manual contacts so that people can avoid contagions by coronavirus.

Nearkey and its development since 2017

The company Nayar Systems developed the Nearkey device when its new offices, Nayar Systems Building, started being built in Castellón de la Plana in 2017. It sought a safe system to protect its installations, and to obtain a simple management form for users and administrators. It needed a device that adapted to all kinds of doors and environments. So it developed a system that required no Internet or Wi-Fi connection that was easy to fit. This system generates unique access keys that cannot be transferred among users to create schedule and temporary limitations.

The Nearkey device is the securest and smartest way to access installations and to use lifts because it only needs a smartphone. This efficient solution has become more essential during the Covid-19 crisis because it ensures convenience and hygiene for users. This easy-to-fit system is compatible with all makes of lifts. Nearkey makes what has been complicated with lifts to date easy and simple: doing away with manual contact and protecting people.

Nayar Systems is a telecommunications engineering company that was set up in Castellón de la Plana 13 years ago and firmly believes in investing in new technological developments. Centred on the lifts sector and the industrial Internet of Things, its experience and professional development have made it an allied company and a technology partner that offers its customers technical solutions.