The Castellón-based telecommunications engineering firm Nayar Systems, which is virtually linked with Espaitec, and the ONCE Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement to set up measures and promote initiatives to favour the complete and effective inclusion and social normalisation of the disabled. These actions will be performed to achieve universal accessibility by promoting diffusion and improvement activities for accessibility conditions in the field of architecture using technological elements to activate, control and use this.

Nayar Systems, which specialises in the industrial IoT sector for the world of lifts, places all its technological knowledge at the ONCE Foundation’s disposal to favour disabled people’s social inclusion and to improve their quality of life. This will be achieved by projects and solutions that are innovative, simple, safer and sustainable in time and will materialise during specific technological developments to ensure the universal accessibility of the disabled so they can live independently.

With this collaboration agreement, the ONCE Foundation will perform different actions to promote universal accessibility by offering training through conferences, and by acting as a technical counsellor in universal accessibility and design matters for anyone in the constructed environment area. It will also promote actions to test innovative and accessible solutions in cities.

Nayar Systems will support events held to diffuse issues about citizens’ accessibility to the constructed environment. It will also set up and provide products and innovative technological solutions in accessibility matters to the constructed environments in cities by focusing on the lifts sector.

In this collaboration agreement reached by the ONCE Foundation and Nayar Systems, the following will participate: Asociación Inserta Empleo, which belongs to the ONCE Social Group, and is an expert in developing training programmes, employment and consultancy, especially for favouring job placements for the disabled; Ilunion, a business group socially responsible for the ONCE Social Group, which is a leader in Spain in job placements for the disabled.

Reaching this collaboration agreement with the ONCE Foundation shows Nayar Systems’ implication and its future option to promote both universal accessibility in the field of architecture and equal opportunities, especially for the disabled.