The UJI Healthy Week began on Monday 27 April by setting up informative tables in the Main Square with associations that promote health and healthy conducts, such as PATIM, ALCER, UNISEXIDA, ADI-CAS or CODINUCOVA.

On Tuesday 28 April, the Optimistic Hospitals Gala was held. On Wednesday 29 April, students of Medicine, in collaboration with the HCEM Association, offered information about sexual education, alcohol and smoking, obesity and diet, and promoted sport in the main square between 10:00h and 17:00h. On Thursday 30 April was the turn of research groups, spin-offs, and UJI health-related companies such as WoNT Prevenció Psicosocial, Labpsitec, SAP, Dental Universitària, Vèrtebres Centre Fisioteràpia and Medco. From 12:00h to 12:45h there was a mindfulness session with researcher Cristian Coo in the inside garden in the Lecture Room Building of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences.