Yesterday year 4 students of Computer Sciences, Mathematical Computation and Administration & Business Management (ABM) had an appointment in espaitec to present the business projects they had done as part of the Business Initiative and Starting Up Companies subjects. Carlos Sánchez, the promoter of the Aticsoft company, participated in this event and spoke about a real view of his entrepreneurial experience.

The aim of the encounter was to establish contacts among year 4 students of different degrees to generate networking and knowledge transfer by bringing technological and innovative profiles and business management knowledge profiles together. “This addresses those students in the last year of their degree who wish to consider entrepreneurship as a valid alternative, particularly when they are about to join the labour market; entrepreneurship as a real professional and personal option by reinforcing the message of doing this and not alone. That is, creating hybrid groups which provide added value to innovative ideas and are well aware of the difficulties involved”, the organisers stated.

Mobile applications to translate sign language, tools to facilitate communication among parents, teachers and students, or machines that promote a new recycling concept, were some of the projects presented by Computer Sciences and Mathematical Computation students to ABM students, espaitec-linked companies, teachers and espaitec’s management personnel. Each presentation was followed by a time for questions and observations, during which new ideas and suggestions for improvement were offered by considering the various profiles of those attending.