Since 2007, IVACE offers an R&D+i projects certification service to help firms apply for the tax deductions set out in the Law on Corporation Tax. This service includes the certification of the vast majority of technologies developed or employed in firms, and offers personalised assistance to complete the documents to be presented and also in any certification process phase.

This service, with which tax deductions of between 12% and 40% of project expenditure can be applied for, has been certified as a valid instrument to obtain funds through tax deduction by the Stakeholders Committee of IVACE’s Certification Division, and which espaitec wishes you to know firsthand.

For this purpose, we have organised an informative encounter at espaitec on Thursday 19 September at 20:00h for technology-based firms, firms that work with R&D+i and research groups. This encounter is free of charge, but it is necessary to register on or by 964 387385.