In the morning, El Espai Pou de Beca, located in the town of Vall d’Alba, will organise gastronomic workshops from 11:00h to 14:00h to stress the relevance of learning by renovating the perception of a traditional product, bread in this case. To this end, some bread-making workshops will be organised where cooks, breadmakers and suppliers of seasonal foods will come together for to prepare food where excellence between the combination of bread and local products give rise to territorial cuisine with new organoleptic and nutritional qualities by incorporating innovation and design.
In the evening, the Cultural Centre of Atzeneta del Maestrat will host several conferences on social innovation as of 17:30h. Miguel Ángel Moliner, the Vice-Rector of Strategic Planning and Quality of the UJI, will address the importance of social creativity as a basis of innovation. Next the Herbalist J. Navarro and his Foundation to promote smart eating will explain a practical case of how a company, by approaching reality, research and prospecting, has managed to cover different and creative demand. The evening session will end with talks given by some social groups in the area which will explain the difficulties encountered to date when finding alternatives.