Espaitec is organising the «Innotransfer: Decarbonisation challenges in the ceramics sector» event on Thursday 16 June, which is face-to-face and online, and addresses the whole ceramics industry


Espaitec will hold the Innotransfer event about the decarbonisation area in the ceramics sector, which aims to know the challenges that the ceramics industry faces, some of which have already been identified by the Specialised Strategic Innovation Committees (CEIE) of the AVI. This event will be held on Thursday 16 June from 09:30h to 12:00h, will be both face-to-face and online, is organised by Espaitec and promoted by the Network of Valencian Science Parks (rePCV) with the collaboration of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI).


The ceramics sector is aware that the European Climate Law, recently passed in 2021, indicates the enormous importance of reducing, eliminating and neutralising CO2 emissions so that Europe will become the first climatically neutral continent by 2050. To do so, it is necessary to raise the sustainability levels in our environment and offer innovative solutions so that production sectors can suitably adapt. This falls in line with the Climate Change and Ecological Transition Bill, passed in April 2022 by the Generalitat Valenciana. It sets a 40% reduction in greenhouse effect gas emissions (compared to 1990) before this decade ends as a milestone.


The ceramics industry, whose energy demand is enormous because of the high temperatures its kilns operate at, has been improving its production processes for years to increase energy efficiency. However, it must take a qualitative leap in existing technologies to be able to fulfil what new regulations expect. To this end, this Innotransfer forum intends to define specific development proposals from research, innovation and knowledge transfer, and to provide responses to all the identified challenges.


The session will be opened by David Cabedo, the Vice-Rector of Innovation, Transfer and Scientific Diffusion of the Universitat Jaume I, with Andrés García Reche, the Deputy Vice-President of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI). The following people will participate as speakers: Eliseo Monfort, a member of the Strategic Innovation Committee of AVI, who specialises in decarbonisation; Victoria Zaera, Head of the Environmental and Sustainability Area of the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers Association (ASCER); Ana Mezquita, a researcher from the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC-AICE); Francisco Frabregat, a researcher from the Energy and Advanced Materials Group (GAME); Eva Barea, a researcher from the Advanced Semiconductors Group (GAS). The last two researchers are from the INAM research team of the Universitat Jaume I.


This event will end with the speech by Gonzalo Abellán, the researcher distinguished by the Universitat de València and the founder of the firm 2D-Match, along with Carolina Clausell a collaborator of the firm Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas (GEA). Juan A. Bertolín, the Manager of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation and the Director of Espaitec will close this event. At the end, a debate will be held and those attending can interact with it.




Innotransfer is an open collective management multisector innovation initiative that aims to promote the knowledge and technology transfer process of research groups from the public universities in the Valencian Community to the business ecosystem in this region in key economic sectors like Sustainable Habitat, Agro-Food, Automotion and Sustainable MobilityEnabling Technologies, Health, Infrastructures and Smart Tourism.


The main business associations, the Valencian public universities and the Network of Technology Institutes REDIT will participate in the Innotransfer Forum, which is financed by the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI). This initiative opts to encourage dialogue between researchers and firms from the Valencian Community by means of the catalysing action of the intermediate structures of the public-private research ecosystem and the Valencian business ecosystem.