Students, professionals and video game fans from the province of Castellón gathered at the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (espaitec) to work as a team on 10 video game prototypes. An intense weekend whose objective was not only to develop, but to learn, have fun and excel during a genuine development marathon.

On Friday afternoon, the theme was unveiled, “Ritual!”, which was the basis of all the video games simultaneously developed worldwide for 48 h. Then 10 work groups were formed. Action began by designing an idea and implementing it, and the event finished with a presentation on Sunday afternoon. This was when the largest Game Jam in the world to date ended, with 632 events in 93 different cities worldwide and over 30,000 participants. The maximum capacity was completed by the 67 participants in Castellón, which has hosted this event 3 years running.

The DevelUp student association, which organised this event, has expressed its gratitude to all the collaborating organisations in the event, especially to the participants who spent the whole weekend working hard on their own video game projects. "The fact that the number of participants increases year after year demonstrates not only this event’s success, but also the importance of this sector in the province as it was one of the most numerous editions in Spain. Participants were really motivated and showed amazing potential who, if properly supported, will have a promising future in the video game industry ", the organisers stated.

The created video games were “Another stupid day”, “Comic Madness”, “GO(L)D”, “Hunter’s Ritual:Virgin at eighteen”, “Need souls”, “Purramid”, “Qecheqïk’s Fate”, “Ritual of Life”, “The purest goat” and “Turbomachos”. All of them are available free of charge on the event’s website. Visit this website