The Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló (espaitec) has moved to Cairo in Egypt to attend a new Euromed @Change encounter, a pilot project set up at the beginning of 2013 which proposes a new dynamics for SMEs, and for internationalisation between Europe and four country of destination partners: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and the Lebanon.

This project brings together four organisations from all over Europe, the ANIMA Investment Network, the European Business & Innovation Network Centre (EBN), INNO AG and the Sophia Antipolis Foundation, along with more than 45 partner companies, and innovation and financing networks.

After previous editions in cities like Tunis, Casablanca or Beirut, this week is Cairo’s turn to host the event “Business Roadshow Egypt, Local Innovation Towards Internationalization”. Espaitec has been invited by the organisers (GAFI, General Authority for Investment and Free Zones and the ANIMA Investment Network) to present the e’innoBridge project, an initiative to promote the internationalisation of companies in Science and Technology Parks (STPs) worldwide. It also encourages the exchange of knowledge and experience between management agents of different STPs in order to lead to possible cooperation projects.

Juan Antonio Bertolín, Head of Innovation and Projects at espaitec, has participated in one of the modules in the conference that opened the encounter where, with a theme on “Networking, clusters and internationalization”, he pointed out the need to set up collaboration networks between areas of innovation, such as Technology Parks, to facilitate the soft landing of Spanish companies in emerging markets in the MENA (Middle East – North Africa) area at low cost and with guarantees of success.

The Soft Landing Programme of Euromed@Change has been designed to help up to 30 innovative companies by offering an easy, practical solution for each company, supported by first-class business incubators and clusters. The objective is to accelerate the learning processes of foreign companies to help establish new contacts in new markets (countries), and to facilitate access to resources and to the intelligence required to fulfil specific business objectives.