espaitec-linked companies Vennova, 480interactive and Aticsoft have created an innovative application for mobile phones and tablets called “The 2015 University Entrance Exam Guide”, an app which has been downloaded by hundreds of students over the last few weeks who are to sit exams to study at university.

In only 1 month, the “2015 University Entrance Exam Guide” app has been downloaded some 7,000 times, which makes it a reference for students who are to sit such exams in June all over Spain. Indeed in the first week it was launched, it was featured in the 10 free educational apps on Google Play (where it came first) and on App Store (where it came third).

This new “2015 University Entrance Exam Guide”, which is linked to the portal offers practical answers to the main concerns of students who are about to sit these exams over the next few weeks by means of a new interactive app for mobile phones and tablets, the first to be published with this specific content in Spain.

It includes pieces of advice and selected information to successfully face the official University Entrance Exams (UEE), to help choose a degree and university, to guide people in their professional future and, why not?, to laugh with the best memes about UEE.

“Essential”, “the most complete guide”, “handy and intuitive”, “fun”, etc., were how some specialised media classified this app, such as Campus Vivo of Europa Press,, Educación 3.0 or Inevery. It comes as a kiosk format and includes a search engine of degrees by professionals and job opportunities by degrees in all the public and private universities in Spain, based on official Spanish Ministry of Education data.

The search results include cut-off marks of degrees in different universities. Among its most consulted contents we find the “Ranking of the 20 most demanded degrees”, “10 steps to get organised before sitting UEE”, “How to control feeling nervous before, during and after exams” or “Start looking for grants for 2015”.