Founded by Alfredo R. Cebrián (Teruel, 1984), who graduated in Advertising and Public Relations, and CEO Sergio Aguado (Segovia, 1982), Head Computing Engineer and Technical Director, both studied at the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, this company offers personalised solutions to help improve work processes, business intelligence, mobility, tourism, culture, sport and communication, and leads the development of apps in Spain and Central America.

Cuatroochenta is a clear example of a successful business synergy and knowledge hybridisation. Alfredo and Sergio had their own company at espaitec before creating this project. Together they saw the potential of apps, and they set up Cuatroochenta in November 2011, which is located at espaitec. Now 30% of this company’s business is done outside Spain, and it invoices in more than 10 countries. It has gradually grown and now employs over 40 people in Spain and Panama, who are computing engineers, designers, publicists, salespersons and journalists.

After several years of success, 2015 could not end in a better way for an espaitec-linked company. After launching Sefici stores, the incidences management app has found a relevant place in the company’s new productivity and administration tools; finalising ad hoc projects for important international customers; extending its team with new colleagues, which now has over 40 members; it has an exciting horizon on all fronts for 2016… and now, this week, it has been newly acknowledged: it has received the Innovative Company in the Valencian Community 2015 Award in the Business Accomplishments Category.

Sergio Aguado, a founder member and the Technical Director of Cuatroochenta, collected the award from Francisco Álvarez, General Director of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism of the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Valencian Government) last week.

Further information