The «How to protect and make inventions profitable» Conference has been held today at espaitec 2. This initiative has been organised by the Vice-Rectorates of Research, Postgraduate Studies, Students and Occupation, and Educational Innovation, along with the Secretariat-General of the UJI and espaitec.

This conference has gathered all the agents of innovation, and together, they have reflected on how to protect and make inventions profitable, which is a necessity in today’s economic situation. “It is necessary, for example, to improve the symbiosis and transfer between the scientific-academic and business world because it is still not working as would be desired. We have excellent thinkers who keep short-sighted and short-term visions of visions, who do not see how their invention can be applied to generate wealth in order to obtain a stronger and more unified society in favour of a society of well-being”, stated Rector Vicent Climent while the event was being presented.

This conference counted on national and local experts who dealt with themes like the current situation of patents in Europe, challenges today to protect inventions, particularly software, strategies to transfer research results to society, and licence patents. This event finished with a round table on technological firms using real business project cases which, in some cases, emerged after a patent.

This initiative was financed by the Generalitat Valenciana’s project «Knowledge and Innovation Transfer Actions» and by the “Innovative Enterpreneurs Campus Programme “of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Occupation.