Jovesoldies jornada emprendimiento social

We participate in the event, is it true that social entrepreneurship solves unemployment?

Juan Antonio Bertolín, espaitec’s management Director, will participate in the…

You can now present your project to the UJI Emprèn OnSocial program

The period to receive entries will continue until 3 November. The Vice-Rector…

The UJI Social Board announces the call for the Student Entrepreurship Initiative Award

This call also includes the Research Career Award and the University Teaching…

Alumnos Hungria NetMIB

Tampere University students undertake their entrepreneur project at Espaitec

This training and mentoring action forms part of the end phase of the European…

The “Sales Theatre” training experience

With this training action, we land business projects by specifying sales…

SECOT Espaitec

We train SECOT Castellón in new support and mentoring methodologies for entrepreneurs

Seniors will form part of the mentors in the new entrepreneur programme held in…

Three companies of UJI students receive awards in the 5UCV StartUp Junior Competition

Three of the five «5UCV Startup» competition awards in the StartUp Junior…


The European MIND Project comes to an ends

The final stage has served to make known the obtained results in Castellón and…