inauguracion oficinas zeus

Open Space, a new business management concept led by Zeus Visión.

The Artvisual Group will open its new premises in Valencia, based on a new…

rithmi cuatroochenta

Rithmi, the app to prevent strokes, detects the first arrhythmias and is selected by Lanzadera

The objective of this initiative is for at-risk people to control their hearts.…


Biótica makes known the latest advances in preventing and controlling Legionella at the Universitat Jaume I

Experts and professionals from the different sectors involved in preventing and…

Biotica prevencion legionella

Biótica is organising an event about immunomagnetic separation (IMS) to prevent Legionnaires’ disease.

The «Technical event on Immunomagnetic Separation (IMS) Technology to prevent…

Jornada Tecnica Norma UJE100030 Legionella

Biótica participated in the technical event in Madrid about updating Standard UNE100030

Updating the standard introduces new methods to detect Legionella On Thursday…

Biótica offers training in fast legionella detection systems in Toledo

The company Biótica Bioquímica Analítica is specialised in fast legionella…

Sefici espaitec

The Sefici incidences management app, developed at espaitec of the UJI, is now valued at 1 million euros

The Martorell SEAT plant is yet another of some 400 companies that use this…


Biotica has joined the Environmental Legionella Isolation Techniques Evaluation Program in Atlanta

The company develops rapid techniques for microbiological detection and…