The province of Castellón represents one third of the 9,000 firms of new enterprising people created in the Valencian Community (VC) in 2012. This figure is slightly below the 3,000 new firms according to the 2011-2012 Global Enterprising Monitor of the VC, which was presented this morning in the premises of the Businesspeoples’ Confederation of Castellón (CEC, in Spanish).

This morning’s event was organised in collaboration with the Science, Technology and Business Park (espaitec) of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), and it offered optimistic data for 2013. During the first 10 months of 2013, the number of created firms has risen by 6%, but it is necessary to await all the data of the complete year. In demographic terms, the province of Castellón creates more new firms in relation to the population percentage than all other Spanish provinces.

According to sectors, technology-based firms and those based on other technologies relating to province’s productive fabric predominated: agrofood, textile, biology and health, design, etc., with the advantage of the consolidated, permanent creation of job posts. The profile of these enterprising people is that they fall in the 35-44 year-old age group, and their mean age is 39.

“One of the objectives that this report presents in Castellón is to make known the real impact that the enterprising initiative has in the VC. Nonetheless, a reflection is necessary which leads us to make more efforts in business growth to allow enterprising people to show more ambition. In other words, being committed so that enterprising people do not only have the self-employment option, but they can grow in size to eventually appear in global markets and, more importantly, to create jobs in the province”, stated Paco Negre, General Manager of espaitec.

The Director of this Report in the VC, José María Gómez Gras, a Professor of Business Organisation at the Miguel Hernández University (Alicante), stated that in enterprising matters, the performance of the enterprising activity of the working Valencian population is similar to the rest of Spain, but it is in the enterprising domain (training, enterprising culture, R&D+I transfers, support to public entrepreneurship programmes) where Castellón stands out from the national mean.

“From CEC, we have always thought it convenient to support new enterprising people because such support benefits society and the economy as a whole. Thus supporting such actions is essential in the situation we find ourselves in today, stated the CEC Secretary, Rafael Montero, when today’s presentation was introduced. Montero went on to say that CEC has voiced to the Public Administrations another of new enterprising people’s concerns about setting up their businesses; reforming the system to speed up bureaucratic formalities when granting business licences, which can imply agonizing delays before many businesses can be set up.