The Secondary School Vila-Roja, located in the town of Castellon Almassora, is first school of the City of Valencia, and the second in Spain to partecipate in the project The Knowledge Volunteers. Founded by the European Union Grundtvig program the project is led in Spain by Fundetec. TKV objective is to introduce the group of older people in the Information Society supported by young volunteers who put their know-how at the service of their training.

This is a pilot project coordinated by Fondazione Mondo Digitale based in Rome and involved five other European countries: Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Romania, Czech Republic and the UK. It is getting people over 60 learning how to use basic technology tools, so they can benefit from the opportunities offered by the Information Society, to improve their quality of life and maintain an active role in society, while creating intergenerational exchange.

Starting tomorrow, January 17, until May 16, every Thursday from 18:00 to 19:30 will be held at the IES Vila-Roja a course in which students from 3rd of ESO until Bachiller become teachers the elderly participants.

The initiative is sponsored and supported by the center AMPA, and conducted in collaboration with Espaitec, Science and Technology Park of the University Jaume I of Castellón.