The press room of the Rectorate Building at the Universitat Jaume I housed the second edition of the UJI Emprèn On Social programme awards, financed by Banco Santander through Santander Universidades. This event was attended to by Eva Alcón the UJI Rector, José María García de los Ríos the Manager of Agreements and Patronage of Santander Universidades, Modesto Fabra the Vice-Rector of Planning, Coordination and Communication, and Inmaculada Rodríguez the Vice-Rector of Students and Social Commitment.

The aim of UJI Emprèn-OnSocial Banco Santander aid is to promote social. environmental and technological entrepreneurship in the university community. The awarded “ÜGO” Project was for Manuel Lluch, Jordi Malavella, Natalia Franch and Vicente López, and the “El Telar” Project for Romary Elena Vaamonde. Each initiative has been financed with €10,000 to continue to undertake its business project with support from SECOT Castellón, and is incubated at Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I.

The purpose of the “ÜGO” Project” is to cut the CO2 emissions produced on university campuses by the large number of vehicles used daily by only one person by developing a mobile application and a website, designed by and for university students, for travelling to universities. They offer an alternative solution to using public transport as it allows contacts to be made with other students from your own university to share journeys and to make friends.

El Telar UEOSThe aim of the “El Telar” Project is to set up a social consultancy with a global vision to improve the value of existing community networks. It aims to recover the groups agency and reinforce its leadership locally to develop smart territories capable of setting up initiatives by adopting feasibility, sustainability and viability criteria. Companies will provide NGOs and people facing social challenges, like women, immigrants, pensioners and unemployed youths, with an all-round accompaniment service that focuses on: participative research action; training and institutional reinforcement; providing technical competences for setting up social projects; intercultural competences; conflict management skills needed locally and internationally.

Moreover, it is stressed that the UJI Emprèn On Social Programme is jointly promoted by the Vice-Rectorates of Research and Transfer and Students and Social Commitment through the INCREA Chair of Innovation, Creativity and Learning and the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation.