As part of the collaboration agreement, espaitec will help identify digital entrepreneurs in the province of Castellón to participate in the BStartup 10 Programme, an initiative to support the 10 selected startups from all over Spain to enter the market and grow. The companies that meet these requirements, and are espaitec-linked companies, to participate in this programme will have fast track access to move directly to the second selection phase, in which interviews are held for projects to gain access to the programme’s direct risk capital investment line.
Banco Sabadell places a network of specialised BStartup offices at the disposal of innovative technological companies, and offers a risk analysis and specific banking products for entrepreneurs. It also offers espaitec-linked companies the chance to participate in a collaborative innovation initiative called “Sabadell Open Apps”, a project whose objective is to support the entrepreneurs who require a bank to operate, and to also improve its digital services. In this way, espaitec-linked companies could offer this bank their technological solutions for payment methods, the Internet of Things, analytics and big data, among others.