Paloma Fonseca, Head of the R&D+I Area of Impulso, participated in this breakfast. She presented the current form that the various financing mechanisms now take, along with the dates of the new calls for R&D+I projects, mainly national and European ones.
In the R&D+I policies field, and despite cuts in the budget destined to them, CDTI still has very interesting conditions for the R&D projects undertaken in the Valencian Community, and it also has a new innovation financing line which is to be set up at the beginning of this year. Certain instruments destined to finance innovation projects also continue, such as ENISA loans. Along the same line, the tax deductions for R&D+I have been maintained, although general deductions as a whole have gone from 35% to 25%.
At the European level, it is worth pointing out that this year sees the end of 7PM and that 8PM Horizon 2020 will commence in 2014 with a budget of €80,000 million for the 2014-2020 period. Among the European aid lines that continue we find Eurostars, which finances projects in international collaboration in developing a new product, process or service with no pre-set theme matter, which must be market-related R&D projects. The Framework Programme for Innovation and Competitiveness (PIC) continues until the end of this year. It is worth remembering that there are three specific programme lines within PIC: a programme for business initiatives and innovation; a programme that supports ICT policies; a “European Intelligent Energy” programme.
For further information, you can download the presentation by clicking on the following link