Experts from IBM Watson and BlueMix visited the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) on Thursday 1 October to participate in a new decharlas TIC session, an event that is free of charge whose objective is to bring this technology to the whole university community and business fabric in the city of Castellón. The session began at 19:00h in the Post-Graduate Assembly Room at the UJI and included two talks.

Entitled «IBM Watson, a new framework for cognitive applications» Víctor López, a specialist in Business Analytics solutions, spoke about a tool which, through its natural language processing and supervised learning processes, facilitates the creation of a new generation of applications that use cognitive services to extend their functionalities.

«BlueMix, a display of applications in the Cloud» is the title of the second talk given by Manuel Rodríguez, a Cloud Ecosystem & Developers Architect of IBM.

Nowadays it is true that all companies are moving to the cloud to a greater or lesser extent, although there are different more or less versatile versions in the cloud domain. During this presentation, there is difference between an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and a platform as services (PaaS), and the implementation of the IBM (Bluemix), its capacities and the platform’s simplicity were presented using demos.

This event is framed within a series of revitalising and diffusion actions run by the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (espaitec). Such action has been financed by the Regional Valencian Government of Education whose objective is to promote knowledge exchange and to create business opportunities among companies in the ICT sector.