The Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (espaitec) and Decharlas UJI are organising a new Decharlas-Company session. It will be held on Thursday 3 December at 18:00h in the Assembly Hall of the School of Technology and Experimental Sciences of the Universitat Jaume I. Attendance is free, but it is necessary to register beforehand completing the following form

Fernando Maciá will give a talk for us to discover what we must bear in mind to attract qualified organic traffic to be converted into sales for online business. Those who attend the talk will learn to define a potential customer, detect market niches for e-commerce, identify the target public search patterns, and generate suitable content for both browsers and users.

The talk will address the whole university community and business fabric in the city of Castellón, and special attention will be paid to marketing, communication and advertising profiles, but also to SMEs and trade in the province of Castellón that wish to increase their sales and enhance their online presence by correctly using social networks and search engine positioning.

Fernando Maciá graduated in Information Sciences at the Madrid Complutense University, and has a Master in Marketing Management through ICADE and an MBA through FUNDESEM. He is an online marketing teacher for the following universities: Pompeu Fabra, CEU Cardenal Herrera, Madrid Polytechnic University, Zaragoza, Alicante, Pontificia Bolivariana of Colombia, CEU Business School and KSchool. He also heads Human Level Communications , online marketing consultancy and search engine positioning. He is the author of the books Search Engines Positioning, Online Marketing, Marketing with Social Networks, Advanced Search Engine Positioning Techniques, Online Marketing 2.0. and SEO Advanced Techniquew, published by Anaya Multimedia, and has written tens of articles.