The Know your city project, developed by the technology-based company UBIK linked to the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (espaitec), has been selected from the 11 best projects from Europe during the first edition of the MyGEOSS call for the development of innovative applications, promoted by the European Commission and the Joint Research Centre. The interest shown in this application has led it to be presented in the 12th plenary session of the Group of Earth Observations (GEO-XII) held on Tuesday 10 November in Mexico.

The Know your city application includes data from various open-access sources of the EU and generate intuitive viewing for the general public. By means of a mobile phone-friendly application, citizens can access social, economic and environmental indicators of interest about a given city. At the same time, the application uses a series of «Did you know that…?»-type questions to collect information provided by citizens on their knowledge and perception of these indicators and their development with time. Carlos Granell, a UBIK member, presented this app in Mexico, which was welcomed by the participating experts.

The technology-based company UBIK intends to cover a market niche with much scope for the future, such as geospatial technologies, by stressing the knowledge and technology developed over 15 years of work by GEOTEC (the Geospatial Technologies) research group of the UJI.