Twenty participants from different countries and disciplines met during the 1 Castellón App Challenge, a marathon to develop and design web or mobile apps that focus on citizen participation. This session ended after 14 hours of work and with six GeoApps developed on wide-ranging themes like chemist’s, reporting crime, cultural agenda, transport improvements, segmenting food and damaged traffic signals.

This encounter was organised by the Geotec Geospatial Technologies group of the Universitat Jaume I, the GeoDevelopers geographical developers group and the Castellón City Council, with Esri España’s collaboration. It took place on 30 and 31 October in the Espaitec 2 Building of the UJI.

Participants came from Iran, India, Spain, Colombia, the USA and Vietnam, with various professional profiles like industrial designers, topographers, computer experts, mathematicians, land surveyors and geodesists. The Organising Committee stressed how satisfactory participation and the results of this event have been, and pointed out the willingness to be able to support apps that have been developed until they are produced. In the presentation of the event the following people participated: the Director of the Geotec research group, Joaquín Huerta, and the Deputy Mayor of Castellón, Enric Nomdedéu.