The first national meeting with Nostra Akiwifi Franchisees was held at espaitec. This encounter continued until Saturday 25 April to strengthen relations with franchises and the Castellón-based Head Office, and to bring franchisees closer together by creating better team spirit, favouring collaboration, and exchanging ideas and future projects.
Franchisees from Madrid, Segovia, Alicante, Ciudad Real, Salamanca, Gerona, Toledo, Albacete and Valencia participated in this first national meeting. Some 30 people reinforced their training in new business areas and products on 3 intensive days. Nostra Akiwifi learnt firsthand franchisees’ concerns about any business aspect and helped them reinforce their quality commitment.
This congress centred basically on the talks given by Nostra Akiwi personnel with a closed programme, and on a couple of open and participative activities for franchisees.