Slow Artist is a new Spanish brand name of sustainable clothing which sells its articles on the web site at The design of its first collection, “Dream”, is based on a single pattern that has several versions for all of which the latest trends are employed since the main material is organic denim with tribal and ethnic accessories.

This firm proposes a modern, very feminine style that moves away from the ecological clothing stereotypes, as you can see in the collection on the web site. The online shop will be available from 5 December.

The Slow Artist formula is based on the local design and production of highly versatile non-seasonal collections that can be sold in the two hemispheres. As the company was created with a marked international character, the motto “Global Vision & Local Flavour” covers the start to the end of the production chain.

Its products include the “GOTS certification logo”, the most prestigious sustainable certificate in the textile sector, which guarantees that production respects the natural environment, is chemical-free and ensures fair working conditions.

All garments are sewn in the “A puntadas” sewing factory in Elche (Spain) and favours the professionalisation of women at risk of being socially excluded. In this way, Slow Artist guarantees the quality of its garments by sewing them in Spain, which also promotes local development as the nearestsuppliers of materials and services are always sought.

Slow Artist opts for a responsible business model and believes that the future of business is moving towards a sustainable, socially responsible and transparent example