Do you want to find out which Android characteristics make the application of its tutorials difficult? Do you wish to learn the construction bases of extendible structured and decoupled software? Would you like to know more about the various data persistence mechanisms in Android applications?
A new session will answer these and many other questions on 20 February, held in the Salón de Actos of the Centre for Postgraduates and Continuing Education Courses at the Universitat Jaume I. It will begin at 17:00h and is free of charge, but you must register beforehand here

On this occasion, the talk will be divided into three parts. “Android Legacy Code” is the title of the first talk given by Jaime Perera, a developer who admires quality in software development. “Software Design Patterns on Android”, will be the second block with the young developer of applications for mobile phones, Pedro Gómez whose great thirst for research and new technologies will rub off on his audience. The talk will finish with the block on “Persistence mechanisms in Android”, given by Javier Muñoz, a software engineer in Grupo Gimeno where he participates, among other things, in projects to develop mobile applications with Android for the different firms of this group.