Some 100 entrepreneuts participated in the 1 Startup Europe Week Castellón held this morning at espaitec installations. The biggest entrepreneurship event to be promoted by the European Commission, it was held in the first week of February in more than 220 European cities, 40 of them Spanish. In the city of Castellón, this event was supported by the Castellón Council Offices and the Universitat Jaume I. All the public institutions that participate in the Castellón entrepreneur ecosystem also collaborated.

This event was opened by Pilar García Agustín, the Vice-Rector of Students, Employment and Innovation in Education at the Universitat Jaume I, who encouraged entrepreneurs to use all the resources that this university has made available to make their ideas come true. The provincial counsellor of Ecomomic Promotion, Tax Collection and Inland Revenue, Salvador Aguillella, emphasised the importance of public-private collaboration for entrepreneurship, and the new lines of financial support set up by the Castellón Council Offices. Paco Negre, espaitec’s General Director, stressed the importance of improving the return of the resources and efforts made to society.

This event’s opening was also attended by Justo Vellón, the CEEI (European Centre of Companies and Innovation) Castellón Director, Patricia Puerta, City Councillor from the Area of Innovation, Employment and Citizen Creativity in Castellón, and Nela Gómez, the event’s co-organiser. All institutions have provided an overview of existing resources that address entrepreneurs, and have encouraged them to put them to best use to help their projects grow.

After the initial presentation, attendees were able to know and learn about all the institutional programmes and support offered by local agents like the Castellón Council Offices, espaitec, CEEI, the Castellón City Council and the Chamber of Commerce. In Europe, initiatives have been presented like the SME Instrument, the Climate KIC Accelerator Programme, and a series of European grants for entrepreneurs.

Successful cases of entrepreneurs from Castellón; a round table on investments and financial institutions, and a talk about resources and opportunities to lead a startup, were the main themes of an event which aimed to celebrate the business spirit and entrepreneurial initiative in Europe.