The UJI (Castellón, Spain) held an encounter on 29 January 2013 to present the VC Energy Cluster on the Castellón campus. This encounter aimed to establish contacts between the Cluster member firms and various UJI research groups so they can mutually meet and explore possible forms of collaboration, mainly in the science and technology development domain within the energy sector. espaitec-related firms also participated in this event.
The encounter was opened by the Vice-Rector of Strategic Planning, Quality and Communication, Miguel Ángel Moliner; the Vice-Rector of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Antonio Barba, and the VC Energy Cluster Chair, Francisco Segura. Then it was the turn of the presentations with the VC Energy Cluster Projects Director, Salvador Cardona; they were followed by representatives of the firms comprising them and by UJI research group coordinators. This event finished with open dialogue by the Cooperation Office for Technological Research and Development (OCIT) Director, Ismael Rodrigo.