Arkadia Space, a company located in Espaitec, takes off into space with D-Orbit
The company Arkadia Space, based in Espaitec, announces its collaboration with…
BluePlasma Power promotes the Revalue project to convert ecopark waste into valuable resources
The Castellón company Espaitec participates in the Revalue project, whose…
Outcomes'10, an Espaitec company, is acquired by ProductLife Group
Multinational company ProductLife Group acquires Outcomes'10, a company located in…
Espaitec presents the advantages of applying Management 3.0 in organizations
The Recicla't Espaitec cycle has held a workshop aimed at…
Espaitec of the UJI reports on aid for innovation
Espaitec of the UJI reports on aid for innovation - El Mundo Castellón…
Calviño does not suffocate the crisis: he is only open to including fried foods in the aid
Calviño does not suffocate the crisis: he is only open to including fried foods in the aid -…
They address the UJI plan to attract investment from the EU
They address the UJI plan to attract investment from the EU - Mediterranean -…
Vice President Nadia Calviño visits Espaitec to see the main technological and innovation hub of Castellón
The rector Eva Alcón highlights the obtaining of more than 12 million euros in two…
Espaitec, the most active park in Spain
Espaitec, the most active park in Spain - El Mundo Castellón al Día -…
Espaitec receives the award for the most active park
Espaitec receives the award for the most active park - Mediterráneo - 16/06/2022…