The Universitat Jaume I promoted the transfer of knowledge through the UJI program.>LAB Impuls
The Office of Research Cooperation and Technological Development (OCIT) of…
Robottions, Blockloop and CEBIMAT are connected to the innovative and technological ecosystem of Espaitec
Technology-based companies Robottions, Blockloop and CEBIMAT (Centre per a…
Espaitec makes technological companies visible through the “Technological Map of the province of Castelló”
The innovative project of Espaitec, financed by the Valencian Agency of…
Gen72 Software develops the PeriGes platform to manage disasters efficiently
The company Gen72 Software, a firm located in Espaitec, has developed the…
Nayar Systems reaches a commercial agreement to obtain 70% of the lift market in France
Nayar Systems, a company linked to Espaitec, Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la…
Utopic Estudios joins Espaitec
With this connection Utopic Estudios, specialized in reality solutions…
Conference "How to transform TESI or research into a COMPANY"
What if my research work could be the start of creating a company?…