The technology-based companies Robottions, Blockloop and CEBIMAT (Center for the Study of Biodegradation of Materials) join Espaitec in the first quarter of 2022 to be part of the innovative and technological ecosystem of Espaitec and the Universitat Jaume I

Spaitec incorporates three new firms to its network of companies linked to the science and technology park of the Universitat Jaume I with the union of Robottions, blockloop y CEBIMAT (Center for the Study of the Biodegradation of Materials). The incorporation of these new companies reinforces the positioning of Espaitec as a unique environment for business growth and acceleration in the province of Castellón.

Robottions is a company that offers companies robotic solutions to logistics and production problems, and in turn is responsible for training specialized personnel at the user, programmer and integrator level in industrial robotics so that they can manage these new processes. Over the last four years, the company has been carrying out installations to optimize industrial processes in factories in Spain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Cyprus and the USA.

The projects of the Castellón technology company cover: fixed robotics with robot arms that carry out everything from moving loads to painting or sculpting in different materials; mobile robotics which has a series of AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles) and autonomous vehicles for the transportation of loads or the automatic cleaning of floors or surfaces; social roboticsIn addition to the industrial field, they create robots that help people in their daily lives. They also make design of peripherals for automatic systems to ensure that the robot is completely autonomous and works optimally with custom software development.

blockloop is a technology-based company that was born with the objective of helping both entrepreneurs and established companies to know the advantages of using blockchain technology. Its main services are analysis and advice on the use of this technology in new solutions, or in some already existing ones, as well as the development of smart contracts (smart contracts).

The Castellón firm offers solutions in the area of asset digitization, emission of Tokens non-fungible (NFTs), the development of platforms for decentralized finance and creation of custom blockchains of the needs of each client. Blockloop makes it easier for more and more entrepreneurs and companies to enhance their products and solutions using blockchain technology.

CEBIMAT (Center for the Study of the Biodegradation of Materials), one of the projects participating in the third edition of the entrepreneurship program UJI Empren OnSocialIs a spin-off company of the Universitat Jaume I specifically dedicated to study of biodegradation of materials, whose objective is to make profitable the knowledge acquired and zoom in the keys to the biodegradation of materials to society and the business sector. The recently created Castellón firm will allow technology based on the knowledge generated at the Castellón university to be transferred to society. Specifically, the know-how called Biodegradation Measurement Protocols developed by faculty from Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design.

It should be noted that CEBIMAT has been recognized in the «UJI Student Entrepreneurial Talent Awards», summoned by the Universitat Jaume I and with the sponsorship of Castelló Town Hall, In business acceleration category for top startups with an endowment of 30.000 euros. These awards aim to recognize the best entrepreneurial initiatives and triple impact business trajectories of the university community and enhance their entrepreneurial spirit.

Espaitec consolidates growth expectations and increases the number of technological and innovative companies that connect to the park in 2022, the year of its fifteenth anniversary celebration.