Tell me that on March 4 at the multipurpose room of the Espaitec 2 building, at 19.30:XNUMX p.m., the Valencian Bitcoin and Blockchain Association (AvalBit), together with the company bit2me, organize the workshop “Introduction to cryptocurrencies and their practical management”.
AvalBit, associació sense ànim de lucre created in February 2015, with the mission of studying and disseminating the technology of Blockchain i the register distribuït (Ledger) on which cryptocurrencies are based. Mentrestant, the company bit2me It is a pioneer in the sector and in l'ambit dels Exchanges of cryptocurrencies.
The main objective of the workshop is to provide a practical view of cryptocurrencies, a type of alternative digital diners, based on blockchain technology (block chain) and which began to be analyzed by central banks on the basis of our seven legal diners. The act is aimed at any interested person to know what cryptocurrencies are and how they are used to carry out daily operations, collect and pay on a daily basis, as well as how to store them safely.
The workshop is scheduled to last two hours and is structured into two parts: theory and practice. The first is dedicated to the presentation of the basic concepts that cryptocurrency users must understand beforehand. The following topics are covered: Diners and cryptocurrencies, Blockchain: the Internet of value, Electronic wallets for managing cryptocurrencys; Yo On buying and selling cryptocurrencies?: Centralized and decentralized exchanges.
The second part of the workshop, participants will be taught how to use an electronic wallet (Wallets) and the aspects related to the security and custody of cryptocurrencies. There will be a practical exercise, in electronic wallet management, consisting of the opening of an electronic wallet and the receipt of a payment of 5 euros in cryptocurrency, in order to be able to carry out some of these transactions with the workshop companies.
In this workshop, open to the entire university community, we will be able to get first-class knowledge of how to use Blockchain technology in an agile, practical and, above all, safe way.