Four UJI research groups seeking to launch their projects on the market have participated in the initiative in order to evaluate its viability and define the business model.

Espaitec has organized this Monday and Tuesday a scientific entrepreneurship bootcamp Aimed at research staff at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) who have previously participated in the workshops of UJISpinoffIn this sense, four research groups from the UJI have worked together with a team of experts to define their projects and turn them into EKnowledge-Based Enterprises (KBE) or university spin-offs.

During the two days, the researchers have applied the methodology Lean Startup adapted to scientific projects in order to focus your innovative idea and identify the main risks to be validated in order to know the real potential of your research.

Participating projects

The following projects have participated in the scientific entrepreneurship bootcamp: NANOGROC, promoted by members of the Physics Department Gladys Mínguez and Carlos Doñate, and DivulgaHub, led by a team from the Communication Department composed of Susana Miquel, Daniel Zomeño, Anna Francés and María Martín. The projects have also been attended by GRAPE-MARS, coordinated by the research staff of the Department of English Studies Edgar Bernad, Javier Gómez, Noelia Ruiz, Julia Valeiras and Inma Fortanet, and ERGONOMIC, promoted by members of the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design Jaume Gual and Pablo Juan.

UJISpinoff Program

UJISpinoff is a program whose objective is to promote the creation of spin-off EBCs, that is, companies created by university researchers to transfer the results of their research to society. On the one hand, the initiative seeks to motivate research staff to assess the potential of their research results through the bootcamp and specialized workshops and, on the other, it offers mentoring for mature initiatives that seek to consolidate themselves as companies.

This activity has the participation of the Department of Education, Universities and Employment of the Generalitat Valenciana.