The UJI.>LAB of Espaitec, through its FabLab, has started its offer of 3D printing workshops "Enter the era of digital printing" during the 2022 academic year, whose objective is to promote the acquisition of skills in the field of printing 3D by the university community


El UJI.>LAB de Spaitec, through its prototyping laboratory FabLab, has launched the cycle of 3D printing training workshops «Enter the era of digital printing» for the year 2022. The training proposal, framed within the set of actions carried out at the UJI.>LAB, will consist of several workshops of various levels (initiation and advanced) in which basic knowledge will be acquired such as assembly and operation of an Ender 3D printer, to more advanced content such as the strategies to follow for printing technical materials.


The Workshop It is aimed at the entire community of the Universitat Jaume I (students, PDI, PAS, research staff, etc.), being free to promote the acquisition of skills in the field of 3D printing. The requirements to access the workshops are be enrolled in the 2021-2022 academic year in any of the degrees, masters or doctoral programs of the UJI (student body), or maintain a contractual employment relationship in 2022 with the Universitat Jaume I (PDI, PAS, research staff or other types of work staff).


The first of the workshops, «3D printing workshop with initiation filament», already took place on April 8 and 9. The two days of the workshop focused on the acquisition of basic knowledge about the from software Healing and in the constituent components of a filament 3D printerAs well as assembly of an Ender 3D printer and printing a prototype with it.


Workshop series “Enter the era of digital printing”


The workshops that will be held in the next few dates are: «3D printing workshop with Advanced filament I» on May 6 and 7; «3D printing workshop with Advanced II filament» on May 13 and 14; «3D printing workshop with Firmaware filament» on May 20 and 21. The training will take place on Fridays from 15.30:18.30 p.m. to 9.30:12.30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 2:XNUMX a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. from the Multipurpose Room of Espaitec XNUMX.


UJI.>LAB and its prototyping laboratory (FabLab)


The project UJI.>LAB makes available to the students, faculty and research groups of the Universitat Jaume I a space to stimulate the generation of innovative ideas, linked to the challenge-solution paradigm, with a multidisciplinary strategy, that is, under a 360º prism. To this end, it incorporates a set of mechanisms that will allow the proposals of the university community to materialize, such as the FabLab, an environment for prototyping projects that result in a tangible product. To achieve this, we have the most advanced technology in printers 3D, Resin Printers, Laser cutters/engravers, Cutting Plotters, Precision CNC y CNC for large formats.


UJI.>LAB facilitates the implementation of cocreative projects, that is, projects in which incorporates the end user into your design, incorporating the most innovative methodologies driven by European Network of LivingLabs (ENOLL). The use of Fablab and the co-creative environment is open to final degree and master's degree projects or other types of projects.


The launch of the project UJI.>LAB has been possible thanks to the financing of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE)) in its first phase during 2019, and the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) in subsequent phases from 2020 to the present.


For any questions or clarifications: / 964 387 332