The second edition of the entrepreneurship program Bootcamp X Entrepreneurship closed on 12 June. This initiative is promoted by Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), with the collaboration of the business accelerator Social Nest Foundation, and it addresses the whole university entrepreneur community.

Thirteen ideas from business projects participated in this second edition, promoted by students (Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PhD), teaching-research personnel (POI), administration and services personnel (PAS) and Alumni SAUJI of the UJI. Of the 13 selected projects, eight were promoted by students, three by Alumni SAUJI members, one by research personnel and one by PAS personnel.

Among the ideas worked on during Bootcamp X Entrepreneurship, some projects were based on training in equality and feminism, road safety training, buying property based on a reference business model from the automobile sector, blockchain, intelligent energy management, seating/spacing arrangements in the hotel/restaurant sector during the post-Covid period , eHealth, Lifelong Learning and the creation of a BioEco community (Green passport).

BXE 2020: program held during four online sessions

Since last Tuesday, those attending this entrepreneurship program were able to discover the tools required to continue outlining their projects during theoretical/practical sessions. During the first session they learned about the competencies needed for entrepreneurship with Luis Martinez, a European Commission-certified coach. Then Oscar Lozano, an entrepreneur from the start-up Rithmi worked on preventing strokes, and explained first-hand his way towards entrepreneurship.

Manuela Procopio, a designer, consultant and trainer at the Management & Design Strategies School IED in Barcelona, ​​led the second session held on Wednesday 10 June, during which students learned about different tools related to Design Thinking.

Rachel Galvez, a trainer and consultant in user experience design processes, was in charge of starting the third session held on Thursday 11 June, when students learned to investigate the future users of their products or services. Margarita Albors ended the third session, who is the founder and Chair of the business accelerator the Social Nest Foundation and an expert in entrepreneurship and impact investing. She stressed the importance of focusing projects on complying with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set by the UN.

The final entrepreneurship program session was held with Krloos Rivera, a consultant, trainer and the manager of Entrepreneurship, Global Growth and Opportunities at the Social Nest Foundation. I have focused this session on the importance of optimal project presentation to future investors and stressed the importance of a clear message and presentation time.

The Bootcamp X Entrepreneurship 2020 programme, which was financed this time by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, and aimed to bring together people from the university community with an entertaining idea, as well as the methodology and tools normally employed in the world's most successful incubators and seeder accelerators during the process followed to create start-ups.