Compark Mobility, a firm linked to Espaitec, has developed the Compark Mobility application to promote personal micromobility through its parking solutions.

The company Compark Mobility, linked to Spaitec, has developed the Compark Mobility app to enhance through its parking solutions, the personal micromobility. Through the app, scooter and bicycle users can search for parking spaces, find out their availability and store their vehicle easily, comfortably and safely.

Compark Mobility is available on iOS and Android systems, and through its simple and intuitive operation, the user is able to identify parking lots that have the Compark IoT system and store their vehicle with a click on their mobile phone, thus avoiding carrying locks or other anchoring systems. The Castellón technology company already is distributing the system to ticket office and parking manufacturers so that more and more companies integrate it into their designs.

Additionally, Compark Mobility is creating its own database with all the existing car parks in Castellón, so that from the app you can consult the entire parking infrastructure of the city even if they do not have technology. The use of the system, in addition to providing facilities to users, will also allow, through the exploitation of data, to identify those areas with the greatest need for infrastructure for scooters and bicycles.

Compark Mobility

The technology firm's team is made up of Boris Escandell y Carles Aragon. Both founded the company with the objectives of reducing pollution in cities by promoting zero-emission transportation; and to be able to contribute, among others, to fulfilling the Urban Agenda 2030 of Castelló.

Compark Mobility was born in 2021, after receiving 10.000 euros of funding from the Banco Santanderthrough Santander Universities, for being one of the winning projects of the third edition of the social entrepreneurship program of the Universitat Jaume I, «UJI Emprèn OnSocial», an initiative promoted jointly by the vice-chancellors for Research and Transfer and for Students and Social Commitment, specifically through the INCREA Chair of Innovation, Creativity and Learning and the General Foundation of the Jaume I University, managing entity of Spaitec, and with the collaboration of SECOT Castellón.