The emergence of new technologies brings with it a radical change in the way we understand not only the productive and business system of the Valencian Community, but also issues as transcendental as health. Therefore, it is important that, from all areas, including healthcare, try to be part of the transformation generated by new technologies that provide opportunities that improve the quality of life of both the professional and the patient.
With the finalization of introducing the new sanitary technologies that are used in the rest of the territories, this day has been carried out that will help the Castellón society to advance in issues that affect them on a daily basis and to implement the latest trends and discoveries in this sector .
For this "updating" day, both high-level experts in the health field have been contacted and they have agreed with their work using technological methods that facilitate the tasks. Furthermore, a debate has been opened to address these fears.
Actualitza't has a presentation-debat format, moderated and directed by Miguel Ángel De la Cámara Egea, who has presented his ScanKids VH project from the Fundació Curar-te and Fundació Philips. This project, which is located at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, presents a gamified APP for radiology. The seu ús is indicated by the xiquets abans de la seua prova tomogràfica.
This APP, designed with avatar character animation, prepares the scene for immersion in the environment and is aligned with the service environment and based on spatial scenarios. The purpose is to reduce the uncertainty and prepare for the immersive adaptation of the reduced space. The result obtained is the reduction of sedation through CT.
The Chamber has highlighted that: “Health entrepreneurship must be carried out both in alliances of technological and medical knowledge so that it remains effective. Although digital data are necessary today, they should provide an idea of how to obtain reps that provide evidence of your success and provide solutions for success with competence, autonomy and socialization for a good experience in these areas. ”.
On the other hand, María Ángeles Medina Martínez, family member, member of the Digital Health Association and co-founder of Healthy Blue Bits has shown everything that Family Sports, in order to combat childhood obesity in the family, has That hui dia l'obesitat is a problem of our society.
The CEO of Medmesafe, Clément Destoumieux, has shown how a project can be used as preventive medicine using data and genetic calculations that are already available.
Oscar Belmonte and Antonio Caballero are the UJI professors who have presented the benefits of their Senior Monitoring project, which monitors seniors in the second half and allows caregivers and health professionals to know where patients are at all times. a non-invasive system.
Carlos Suso Ribera also intervened from the UJI and explained the Pain Monitor APP that monitors the patient daily to see if the treatment is working correctly.
Finally, part of the assistance resources has come from the mother of Jesús Berdún, Project Manager of the Fundació TIC Salut de Catalunya, who has presented the mConnecta platform.
After this debate there has been a balance of the situation of the province in health technology to extract the best practices and advice to be able to apply the most prompt ones. In short, we will try to create a comprehensive guide to the newest sanitary processes and technologies that have demonstrated reliable success.
Both of these types of days are intended to incorporate new technologies into the healthcare system of Castelló, thereby bringing innovation, research and positioning of our resources to the public.
Actualitza't intends to be a link between the current society and the future, with a perspective of Quadruple Helix: Universitat, Empresa, Administració and Societat allowing to empower the society in the design of the new structure and functioning and, therefore, millionant the sustainability of this.