Guide-preparation-projects-H2020The new EU budget, or multiannual financial framework, extends from 2014 to 2020 with some €79.000 billion for the Horizon 2020 programme. With almost €20.000 billion more than the 7th Framework Programme, this new EU program takes advantage the successes of the past, but improving and simplifying procedures. In short, more financing and less tedious procedures to encourage the development of projects that boost employment, innovation, growth and quality of life in Europe.

Through the H2020 program, the transition from the laboratory to the market is pursued, the application of innovation in transport, energy, job creation opportunities, the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of European companies or the role of SMEs, among others.

In order to facilitate the preparation of proposals and increase the number of projects presented by companies, universities and research groups of the Valencian Community, the Fundació Parc Científic of the University of Valencia has launched, with the sponsorship of the Department of Education, Research, Culture and Sports, the “Guide for the technical and administrative preparation of Horizon 2020 proposals”, an information document on how to prepare and apply for a proposal to receive funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.



Screenshot 2017-01-12 to 14.45.49The EU's new budget, or multiannual financial framework, runs from late 2014 to 2020 together. 79.000 million euros for the Horitzó 2020 program. With almost 20.000 million euros more than the 7th Marc Programme, this new EU program profits the successes of the pass, but it is millorant and simplifies the procedures. In short, more financing and less tedious procedures will encourage the development of projects that boost employment, innovation, growth and quality of life in Europe.

Through the H2020 program, the transition from the laboratory to the market is pursued, the application of innovation in transport, energy, employment generation opportunities, the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of European companies or the paper de les pimes, among others.

With the aim of facilitating the preparation of proposals and increasing the number of projects presented by companies, universities and research groups of the Valencian Community, the Scientific Park Foundation of the University of Valencia has launched, with the sponsorship of the Department of Education , Innovation, Culture and Sport, the “Guide for the technical and administrative preparation of Horizon 2020 proposals”, an informative document on how to prepare and apply for a proposal for the financing of the EU's 2020 Framework Programme.


The new EU proposal, or multiannual financial framework, goes from 2014 to 2020, and is backed by some 79,000 million euros for the Horizon 2020 Programme. With more than almost 20,000 million euros more than the 7 EU Framework Programme, this new EU program makes the best of past successes, but improves and simplifies procedures. In short, more financing and less tedious procedures for developing projects to promote employment, innovation, growth and quality of life in Europe.

The intention of the H2020 program is to transition from the laboratory to the market, and the application of innovation in transport, energy, job-creation opportunities, improved productivity and competitiveness for European companies, or the role played by SMEs, etc.,.

In order to facilitate preparing proposals and to increase the number of projects presented by companies, universities and research groups from the Valencian Community, the Science Park Foundation of the University of Valencia has launched the “Guide to technically and administratively prepare Horizon 2020 Proposals”, with sponsorship from the Regional Valencian Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sport. This is an informative document about how to prepare and apply for a proposal to receive EU Horizon 2020 Framework Program financing.